A Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri created the first Pokémon game in 1996 for the recently introduced Nintendo Game Boy portable console. The concept arose from his childhood hobby of collecting insects, as well as his love of anime, or Japanese animation. The original Pokémon is a role-playing game based around building a small team of monsters to battle other monsters in a quest to become the best. Pokémon are divided into types, such as water and fire, each with different strengths. Battles between them can be likened to the simple hand game rock-paper-scissors. For example, to gain an advantage over a Pokémon that cannot beat an opponent’s Charizard character because of a weakness to fire, a player might substitute a water-based Pokémon. With experience, Pokémon grow stronger, gaining new abilities. By defeating Gym Leaders and obtaining Gym Badges, trainers garner acclaim.